Eustáquio Rangel

Desenvolvedor, pai, metalhead, ciclista

Linus on kernel management style

Publicado em Developer

Gostaria de compartilhar alguns trechos que destaquei no documento Linus on kernel management style, que achei muito bom e compensa ler inteiro. Mas aqui vão alguns trechos interessantes:

"First off, I'd suggest buying "Seven Habits of Highly Successful People", and NOT read it.  Burn it, it's a great symbolic gesture."
"Everybody thinks managers make decisions, and that decision-making is important. The bigger and more painful the decision, the bigger the manager must be to make it.  That's very deep and obvious, but it's not actually true. The name of the game is to _avoid_ having to make a decision.  In particular, if somebody tells you 'choose (a) or (b), we really need you to decide on this', you're in trouble as a manager.  The people you manage had better know the details better than you, so if they come to you for a technical decision, you're screwed.  You're clearly not competent to make that decision for them."
"So the name of the game is to _avoid_ decisions, at least the big and painful ones.  Making small and non-consequential decisions is fine, and makes you look like you know what you're doing, so what a kernel manager needs to do is to turn the big and painful ones into small things where nobody really cares."
"It helps to realize that the key difference between a big decision and a small one is whether you can fix your decision afterwards.  Any decision can be made small by just always making sure that if you were wrong (and you _will_ be wrong), you can always undo the damage later by backtracking."
"Thus the key to avoiding big decisions becomes to just avoiding to do things that can't be undone.  Don't get ushered into a corner from which you cannot escape.  A cornered rat may be dangerous - a cornered manager is just pitiful."
"The best thing you can do as a manager is not to instill confidence, but rather a healthy dose of critical thinking on what they do."
"Most people are idiots, and being a manager means you'll have to deal with it, and perhaps more importantly, that _they_ have to deal with _you_."
"It turns out that alienating people is fairly easy, and un-alienating them is hard. Thus 'alienating' immediately falls under the heading of 'not reversible', and becomes a no-no according to Chapter 1."
"There's just a few simple rules here:  (1) don't call people d*ckheads (at least not in public)  (2) learn how to apologize when you forgot rule (1)."
"Taking the blame is also why you get to be manager in the first place."
"You may be morally and intellectually superior to everybody around you, but don't try to make it too obvious unless you really _intend_ to irritate somebody."

Sujeito esperto, esse tal de Linus! Se um dia parar de escovar bits, ainda pode ganhar um dinheirão!


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