Eustáquio Rangel

Desenvolvedor, pai, metalhead, ciclista

Criador do Vim vai para o Google!

Publicado em FLOSS

Nossa, se algum dia o Google resolver pegar todos os empregados e trancar em uma caverna subterrânea sem contato com o mundo, estamos ferrados (sendo melodramático para dar o tom da notícia ;-). Depois do Guido van Rossum, o criador do Python, ter ido para o Google, agora é a vez do Bram Moolenar, criador e mantenedor do Vim, ir também. Olhem só o email que eu recebi:

The past few years many people have sponsored my work on Vim.  Now
version 7 is nearing completion, beta testing will start soon, very
soon.  A big thanks to all who supported me!  I would not have been able
to do this without your help.

But things are going to change.  I have accepted a job offer and will go
back to a full time job in a few months.  To avoid speculation and
rumours: I am going to work for Google in Zurich.  Fortunately I can
spend part of my time on Vim.  But it will obviously be less than the
past few years when I was working 150% of my time on Vim.

I will no longer need sponsorship to survive.  Therefore, starting the
end of March, all money given for Vim sponsorship and registration will
go to the project in Kibaale, Uganda.  And no, this is not an April
fools joke.

The voting will continue as before.  And seeing people give money will
motivate me to keep working on Vim.  The children need the help much
more than me anyway.  Thus please keep sending money!

Boa sorte, Bram! Você merece!


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